Robert Murray M’Cheyne
Robert Murray M’Cheyne records for us the Lord’s dealings with
him in a poem entitled Jehovah Tsidkenu.
M'Cheyne here recounts his testimony of salvation: usually we do it
in prose, he does it in poetry as it is more expressive of his thoughts
and sentiments.
The Lord, taking all initiative in salvation, finds M'Cheyne (like
all others) a wayward sinner, encompassed all about with perils and,
most of all, the danger of eternal punishment. The Lord first approached
him with the sounding of the gospel, but it had no effect; M'Cheyne's
understanding and heart were still unopened, and he was not able to
appreciate the righteousness wrought out on Calvary. Nothing registered
to him.
First through his friends, and apparently later the Lord led him to
read for himself the pages of the Sacred Book, both about the Christ of
prophecy and the Christ of history - one Christ indeed: Christ predicted
and Christ appearing in human flesh. Still, the Golgotha event did not
mean anything to M'Cheyne.
The most M'Cheyne felt was a sympathy for Jesus Christ, who was
crucified in weakness, and yet the power of that atonement was yet
unknown to him. He liked the story and yet could not find any lasting
value in it.
God not only induced M'Cheyne to search the Scriptures: He also
granted him that "free grace" which, when received, brings
about repentance. The Lord made him see the filth and hideousness of his
sins, and then there was no other safe place for his soul, except
Calvary. There he realised that the sacrifice offered once and for all
was all his righteousness that he could appeal to. The terror of eternal
perdition vanished; his guilt was removed, and M'Cheyne was given
boldness and confidence to call upon the Lord as his righteousness, not
wrought in him or by him, but wrought by Another, even Jesus.
God made him see that Christ is indeed the elect sinner's all in all
(Philippians 3:3-10).
As M'Cheyne moved on in the Christian life, he even was taught to
boast in Jehovah Tsidkenu; he was given the joy of assurance in the
midst of all temptations and perils. His firm resolve, his whole mindset
was to grasp the righteousness of Christ and cling tenaciously to it as
his confidence for heaven and eternal blessedness.