John Owen
his life and literary legacy
“Poets,” commented P.B.Shelley, “are the unacknowledged
legislators of the world.” By the same token there have been men of
God who went before us, who showed us the way forward, and yet the
church at large, so richly benefited by them, has not properly
acknowledged them.
John Owen, pastor, theologian, statesman, the prince of the Puritans,
is still in this category of worthies. Though having “obtained a good
report through faith,” the church has not yet expressed its gratitude
to the Lord Christ who gave (and still gives) gifts to men, “for the
perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying
of the body of Christ.” “The church of God was wronged in that the
life of the great John Owen was not written.”
The purpose of this paper is to make this man better known and to
invite the reader to acquaint himself with his writings. And in looking
back to men of past generations we will have a better course charted for
us in these dreary days of apostasy and religious indifference. “Stand
ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good
way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” A
timely discernment of our lukewarmness and our most urgent needs, as we
live in a climate so different from Puritan days, might elicit from our
hearts the prayer that is rumoured to have escaped the lips of Erasmus, “O,
sit anima mea cum Puritanis Anglicanis!”
Early years
In 1616 there was born a second son to a godly vicar Henry Owen, a
son who was destined to far outshine him in virtue, scholarship and
genius. Though little is known of his boyhood years it is gathered that
when John was only twelve he had already outgrown the instructions of
his tutor Sylvester.
John was considered to be a precocious child and was allowed to enter
Queen’s College at this tender age, where he devoted himself to
several branches of learning with the utmost intensity. Besides the
demands of the university curriculum, John received lessons in music
from Dr. Wilson. During these years he normally slept for only four
hours at night.
The youngster had already determined upon the course of his life: his
consuming toil was undertaken as he was driven by a consuming passion to
rise to distinction and power in the established church.
The glory of Christ shining upon him
Owen himself testifies that during the latter part of his university
course the Holy Spirit began to direct his gaze elsewhere, and have him
“consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus.”A
radically different set of thoughts and emotions were being wrought in
his soul. At that time he learned to submit himself to the all-pervasive
principle of asking, “What wilt thou have me to do?”But it was only
later that he entered the kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the
Holy Spirit.
Counting the cost
At that time England was undergoing deep upheavals in both the
political and religious realms. The half-baked Reformation within
Anglicanism was unacceptable to many whose tender consciences would not
submit to rites and ceremonies savouring of Romish superstitions. Such
were dubbed “Puritans.” For their earnestness and desire for a
full-fledged Reformation, both in doctrine and church polity, these men
had to endure discrimination, confiscation of property, imprisonment,
denial of privileges and even martyrdom.
At his conversion John Owen found himself at the crossroads. Was he
to go along the current of Archbishop Laud’s policies? Or was he to
stand up and be counted? The penalty of resistance was already spelled
out: expulsion from the university.
As soon as Owen “took up the cross,” and started to follow
Christ, he was immediately dragged into the struggles of a public
career. From henceforth the privacy of study was to be dreamed of but
only occasionally realized. Knowing God, and hiding under His
everlasting wings, Owen was not reluctant to resist the bigoted prelate’s
intolerant statutes. For the sake of the pilgrim church Owen was God’s
chosen vessel to speak in defence of liberty of conscience.
His stand was clear and unmistakable. As a Puritan he upheld the
regulative principle of worship, without which the church is as a ship
without a rudder. Owen expresses the principle which animated him and
his companions at that time.
Believers “will receive nothing, practice nothing, own nothing in
worship, but what is of his appointment. They know that from the
foundation of the world he never did allow, nor ever will, that in any
thing the will of the creatures should be the measure of his honour, or
the principle of his worship, either as to matter or manner....Believers
know what entertainment all will-worship find with God, ‘Who hath
required this at your hands?’ and, ‘In vain do ye worship me,
teaching for doctrines the traditions of men,’ is the best it meets
In Owen understanding this issue was not insignificant or peripheral:
it meant the health and vitality of the church, which recognizes only
One Lord of the conscience, Jesus Christ. He deciphered Laud’s
compromising measures as a direct attempt “That Jesus Christ might be
deposed from the sole power of lawmaking in his church; that the true
husband might be thrust aside, and adulterers of his spouse embraced;
that taskmasters might be appointed in and over his house, which he
never gave to his church (Ephesians 4:11); that a ceremonious, pompous,
outward show-worship, drawn from Pagan, Judaical and Antichristian
observances, might be introduced; of all which there is not one word,
tittle, or iota in the whole book of God.”
Protestantism, at its best, stands upon the “sure word of prophecy;”
as soon as it takes on a syncretistic character, it becomes not only
powerless but also pathetic. Owen had no doubt about this; his
well-informed conscience, as the Word became his daily delight and
meditation, forbade conformity to the Established Church.
In his outspokenness he risked incurring the displeasure of his
Royalist uncle in Wales, who had supplied him with the principal means
of support at Oxford, and also had the intention of making him heir of
his estates. Owen would not budge: like Moses he “esteemed the
reproach of Christ greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt.”
John Owen was virtually self-exiled for conscience’ sake: God was not
educating him in a higher school.
Unexpectedly Owen found the house of Sir Robert Dormer open for him;
he was invited to become chaplain of the family, and tutor to his eldest
Meanwhile the country was about to be shaken with the discord of
civil war. Neutrality was well-nigh impossible. Owen’s convictions and
sympathies were with the army of the Parliament and the cause of public
Arise, shine
Owen was depressed, all the more so because he had not yet come under
the full light of the gospel. It so happened that he desired to hear Dr.
Edmund Calamy, the celebrated Presbyterian minister, preach. But for
some unknown reason the preacher did not show up, and an unknown
stranger took his place. The text was announced, “Why are ye so
fearful, O ye of little faith?”As it turned out the preacher answered
the perplexities of Owen’s heart, and the Spirit of God was pleased to
lead him forth into the full sunshine of a settled peace. Owen later
refers to the man as “an angel of God.”
His full conversion was yet one more instance of the truth that in
preaching it was “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith
the Lord”
First pastoral charge
It appears that Owen’s early pastorate was one of the most
satisfying in his life. His predecessor neglected the spiritual
interests of Fordham, and Owen began to break up the fallow ground,
preaching evangelical truth that warmed his heart to his congregation.
He engaged himself in visitation and catechising according to the
godly custom of the Puritans. The busy pastor gave evidence of his
commitment to discipleship in publishing The Principles of the Doctrine
of Christ unfolded, in Two Short Catechism. The first catechism was
developed for the young, while the second one was meant for parents to
use in their home devotions.
The fame of his solid biblical teaching soon spread around and the
inhabitants came out to listen. God worked reformation through the
agency of Owen preaching “Christ crucified.”
His evaluation of preaching as God’s appointed means to gather His
elect is noteworthy, especially in our day when innovations are being
introduced as means of evangelism, such innovations as denigrate the
glory of Christ, blasphemously presenting Him as an entertainer rather
than the all-glorious Redeemer and crowned King. If Owen were left
unmolested throughout his life, he would have preached and done almost
nothing else. It was only because of harassment that he devoted his
energies to various publications, through which, in God’s wise
providence, Owen still speaks.
But his outlook on preaching must not be overlooked. “John Owen,
generally reckoned to be the most accomplished and learned theologian
that England has ever produced, was asked by the King why he was so fond
of listening to the Particular Baptist John Bunyan preach, ‘to hear a
tinker prate,’ as the King sarcastically expressed it. Owen replied,
‘May it please your Majesty, could I possess the tinker’s abilities
for preaching, I would willingly relinquish all my learning.’ This is
the spirit we need today.”
Soon after his arrival at Fordham Owen was married to a lady by the
name of Rooke, a lady reported to be “an excellent and comely person,
very affectionate towards him, and met with suitable returns.” She
bore him eleven children; all died in early youth, except one daughter.
In January 1676 he was widowed. After a year and a half he married
again, this time to Michel, the daughter of a noble family in
Dorsetshire. Being affluent she made his later years quite comfortable.
First publication
From the year 1642 to 1683 Owen’s fertile pen produced at least 68
volumes, starting with A Display of Arminianism and concluding
with An Account of the Protestant Religion. Another twelve
volumes were published posthumously between 1684 and 1760.
As a staunch Calvinist Owen felt constrained to expose the grave
errors of Arminianism. “The fates of our church having of late
devolved the government of it on men tainted with this poison,
Arminianism became backed with the powerful arguments of praise and
preferment, and quickly beat poor naked Truth into a corner.” As an
apologist, defending “the whole counsel of God,” Owen is at his
best. His first book was already characteristically Puritan, deep in
piety and weighty in scholarship, connecting all events with God, and
bent with lowly and awestruck feeling before the divine sovereignty.
Wider ministries
Without seeking publicity for himself, Owen could not remain hidden
in Fordham. His reputation was fast extending, so much so that in 1646
he was appointed to preach before the Long Parliament.
At this time Owen underwent considerable changes in his views on
church government. But his Congregationalism, or his advocacy of
Independency, was of a somewhat modified character.
Eventually Owen would become the champion of Independency, and more
importantly, of the liberty of conscience, thus showing that his mind
was far advanced beyond many of his own age. He repeatedly condemned all
enforced conformity and physical punishment of heretics. He writes: “Heresy
is a canker, but it is a spiritual one; let it be prevented by spiritual
means: cutting off men’s heads is no proper remedy for it.”
Owen was a pioneer in emancipating the church from the thraldom of
medieval inquisitorial dealings with non-conformists. He was greatly in
advance of his contemporaries, for he remained equally zealous for
toleration when his party rose to power as when it was a weak and
persecuted sect.
In defence of Particular Atonement
Owen wrote with a pastoral heart, but also as a theologian and
polemicist, appearing on the battlefront according to the need of the
hour. Arminian sentiments constrained him to write a full apology
concerning the efficacy and extent of Christ’s atonement. His work was
entitled Salus Electorum, Sanguis Iesu or, the Death of Death in the
Death of Christ.
Owen devoted to the work extended research and a long time of
meditation. Owen’s question is “To what end did Christ die?” No
Christian who would understand the meaning of the Cross can fail to
profit from wrestling with what Owen has to say.
This milestone work is quite characteristic of Owen:
1. It is comprehensive and elevated in its view of the great subject.
He seeks to relate on truth to another, weaving everything into one
complete tapestry of truth.
2. His intellect delights to expose sophistries and snares of those
who oppose the truth.
3. He is sound in judgment: all in all his theology is sound and
edifying. It “expresses itself in such pithy and pregnant words of
wisdom, that you both delight in the reading, and praise God for the
“I did read it (The Death of Death) with delight and profit:
with delight in the keenness of argument, clearness and fullness of
answers, and candour in language, with profit in the vindication of
abused Scriptures, the opening of obscure places, and chiefly in
disclosing the hid mystery of God and the Father, and of Christ, in the
glorious and gracious work of our redemption. The like pleasure and
profit this tractate promiseth to all diligent readers thereof.”
The work is designed to show that the doctrine, “Christ died for
all, for those who are eventually saved, and for those who are
eventually lost in hell, without any distinction” is not only
unscriptural but also most harmful to the Gospel itself.
J.I.Packer contends that Owen is well qualified to teach pastors
today not only what the Gospel really is but also how to
preach it. Owen “will lead us to bow down before a sovereign Saviour
Who really saved, and to praise Him for a redeeming death which made it
certain that all for whom He died will come to glory....Secondly, Owen
could set us free, if we would hear him, to preach the biblical gospel.”
In contrasting the Puritan Gospel with the dilapidated gospel of
today, Packer continues: “The preaching of the new gospel is often
described as the task of ‘bringing men to Christ’ - as if only men
move, while Christ stands still. But the task of preaching the old
gospel could more properly be described as bringing Christ to men, for
those who preach it know that as they do their work of setting Christ
before men’s eyes, the mighty Saviour whom they proclaim is busy doing
His work through their words, visiting sinners with salvation, awakening
them to faith, drawing them in mercy to Himself.”
It is well known that Owen’s treatment of Particular Atonement is
exhaustive. As he himself confidently says, no one will be able to
contradict or refute it. And so it remains to this day.
Strong meat for the mature, for those who are willing to be
challenged and desire to build with gold, silver and precious stones,
that their work may endure the Judgement.
Engagements with the army
Once again Owen was summoned to preach before Parliament, to which he
complied with a powerful sermon.Oliver Cromwell was present and sought
to make his acquaintance. He proposed that Owen should join him as
chaplain in the army, with immediate effect, since Cromwell was
intending to depart for Ireland. Naturally Owen was reluctant because of
his pastoral charge at Coggeshall, but Cromwell was adamant. Taking the
advice of certain ministers whom he consulted, Owen was eventually
constrained to prepare himself for the voyage.
Owen took his responsibility seriously. The army was disciplined to
spend its time in Scripture reading, the singing of Psalms and in
religious conferences.
After his release to resume his pastoral duties, Owen was later
summoned to attend on the Commander-general as minister, together with
Joseph Caryl. Reluctantly torn away from his studious toils to the camp,
Owen complied; being convinced that, after all, the ministry was not an
ivory tower experience.
Cromwell marched on to Scotland. Edinburgh’s pulpits were in the
hands of Cromwell’s preachers. Owen broke the bread of life to the
multitude in old St. Giles’. Jealousy melted into wonder, and wonder
into obedience to the gospel. As soon as Scotland was under the sway of
the Commonwealth, Owen was permitted to return to his books and his
tranquil pastorate in Essex.
Reforming the University
Being himself Chancellor of Oxford University, Cromwell nominated
Owen as Vice-Chancellor, placing him at the head of the ancient seat of
learning. In this post Owen was responsible for the general government
of the university.
He found the university on the very brink of ruin by the civil wars.
And yet none but he was the right man for the right place. A
contemporary describes him as “of universal affability, ready presence
and discourse, liberal, graceful, and courteous demeanour, that speak
him certainly (whatsoever he be else) one that was more a gentleman than
most of the clergy.”
His inaugural address to the heads of colleges laid out his plan for
the future. It was no mere dignified language: he proposed that tolerant
spirit into his administration which he insistently commended in the
days of his suffering. He lived up to his promise: for instance, it is
known that a group of Episcopalians used to meet every Lord’s Day over
against his own door to worship according to the forms of the liturgy,
though the laws at that period put it in Owen’s power to disperse the
Relying on the God of all grace he faced the challenge before him.
“Trusting, therefore, in his graciously promised presence, according
to the state of the times, and the opportunity which, through divine
Providence, we have obtained, -- conscious integrity alone supplying the
place of arts and of all embellishments -- without either a depressed or
servile spirit, I address myself to this undertaking.”
There he served for ten years until such time as he was driven out by
the new persecuting measures of the restored monarchy.
Supporter of Christian unity
In 1653 Owen was once more engaged in preaching before Parliament. In
the midst of these engagements, Cromwell invited him, together with a
number of other ministers -- Presbyterian, Independent, and Baptist --
to hold a conference on Christian unity. Apparently too much was
attempted and no practical measures resulted. But at least it showed the
willingness and earnest desire of the leaders to confer together and
recognize each other as brethren in the same family.
Baxter, Howe and Owen were all champions of unity and of the advance
of Christian love. Baxter wrote: “While we wrangle here in the dark,
we are dying, and passing to the world that will decide all our
controversies; and the safest passage thither is by a peaceable
holiness.” Howe was of kindred spirit, and in this vein wrote his
essay On Union among Protestants and On the Carnality of
Religious Contentions. Owen shared the same ideals and laboured with
tongue and pen to motivate towards a greater expression of unity. He was
wise enough to picture denominational differences in their right
proportion, neither disregarding them nor blowing them up. Two of his
early works, The Duty of Pastors and People Distinguished and Eshcol:
or, Rule for Church Fellowship deal with this important theme.
Owen’s major contribution, together with the efforts of other
Puritans, was in expounding in their writings the major principles on
which true and lasting unity can be accomplished. In their mind unity,
love and sound doctrine do not repel each other; they are complementary
and must be found together at all times.
Owen fought on two fronts: on one hand he had to maintain a ministry
of warning to his brethren against the inroads of Popery, and on the
other hand heroically holding to the ideal of unity among brethren. He
longed to see the ranks of the true church of Christ marching on to
victory, with all alienations and divisions healed or at least placed in
their proper perspective and reduced to their true magnitude. He wanted
the Protestant denominations to cultivate a spirit of mutual confiding
so as to be prepared in their resistance to their common enemy.
Nevertheless he was still convinced of the necessity and duty of
separation from the Episcopal Church. Engaged in controversy with
Stillingfleet he produced one of his best apologies of Nonconformity,
entitled, A Brief Vindication of Nonconformists from the Charge of
Schism, as it was managed against them in a Sermon by Dr Stillingfleet.
Still, he was convinced that evangelicals, whose faith is embedded in
Scripture alone, have a solemn duty to “keep the unity of the Spirit
in the bond of peace.” In this respect he produced such studies as
Union among Protestant, a work expressing this generous intent and
Owen the theologian
The main heritage we enjoy from Dr. John Owen today is undoubtedly
that of his theological contribution. It could be fairly claimed that,
together with John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards, John Owen forms the trio
of theological giants in the Reformed church.
The volume of his works, by itself, apart from the quality of its
contents, is simply astounding, when it is kept in mind how Owen was
continually engaged in pastoral engagements and even in statesmanship.
During his intensely active life of 67 years, his productions strike us
as incredible.
One reason why his works are not sought after today as much as they
deserve is the style in which they were written. “There is no denying
that Owen is heaving and hard to read. This is not so much due to
obscure arrangement as to two other factors. The first is his lumbering
literary gait....The second obscuring factor is Owen’s austerity as an
expositor....He obviously carries the whole of his design in his head,
and expects his readers to do the same.”
With proper self-discipline, though, the reader can discover a gold
mine in Owen’s opus. “I owe more, I think, to John Owen than
to any other theologian, ancient or modern.” The heresies that
agitated the church of Owen’s day are still troubling us today: he
dealt with the Arminian, the Socinian, the Popish, and the Episcopalian.
And in the discharge of his pastoral duties he applied his vast
learning, with understanding, to these aberrations from apostolic
doctrine and produced masterpieces on the themes on which they treat. He
goes through the subject in all its dimensions, leaving hardly anything
unconsidered. In his polemics he used to read virtually all the works
that had been written on the subject, especially by opponents, and then
faithfully bringing the light of Scripture to bear upon the elucidation
and establishment of the theme.
Abiding in the Doctrine
Owen should be all the more appreciated for his theological
conservatism. As the siren call of heresy tempts to draw away men’s
ears and hearts from the truth, Owen is found a stalwart in defence of
Reformed theology, as it was brought to light by the continental
Reformers and polished all the more by the Puritan divines. All sorts of
extravagant opinions marked Owen’s age, but he showed no disposition
to change. His writings are consistent, and reflect to a great extent
the Faith as delivered to the saints once for all.
In fact his great aim was the thorough reformation of the church,
going back to the grass-roots. To quote David Gay’s remarks: “Since
disorders and corruptions come in the best of churches, we must be ever
reforming ourselves. A church that is not reforming in the sense of
going back to Scripture is no church at all. As John Owen puts it: ‘I
know of no other reformation of any church, or anything in a church, but
the reducing of it to its primitive institution, and the order allotted
to it by Jesus Christ...And when any society or combination of
not capable of such a reduction and renovation...I profess I cannot look
on such a society as a church of Christ.’”
As a man of God and a minister to His covenant people, Owen bravely
aimed to achieve such a God-honouring reformation. This being so there
was no room in his theological system to play with novelties or engage
in idle speculation. His aim was to expound the unsearchable riches of
Christ as deposited within the pages of Holy Writ, no more and no less.
His reverence and submission to the ultimate authority of Scripture
gave an indelible imprint to all his ministrations and printed works. He
was convinced of Sola Scriptura, and with this principle in mind
he travelled over the ample field of special revelation, but restrained
himself from passing beyond it, taking heed of the bounds set by
Scripture itself.
Writing with a pastoral heart
Whatever he wrote was not cold or clinical: it is apparent that the
truth which he expounds had already wrought mightily in his own heart
(This is especially evident in his Exposition of the 130th Psalm
and The Mortification of Sin). In these volumes we find him
insisting on the sine qua non of every Christian to deal
valiantly and effectively with their sinful tendencies and attitudes.
Through His Word and Spirit, God has provided the guidelines and the
power for this objective to be achieved. Engaging in self-scrutiny,
while avoiding self-absorption, is marked out as a solemn duty of every
Christian. And all along, Owen the pastor provides principles to assist
believers in perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
J.I.Packer, having learned from Owen after severe spiritual
disillusionment, testifies: “I spoke earlier of how Owen saved my
spiritual sanity. I do in fact think, after fifty years, that Owen has
contributed more than anyone else to make me as much of a moral,
spiritual and theological realist as I have so far become. He searched
me to the root of my being. He taught me the nature of sin, the need to
fight it, and the method of doing so. He made me see the importance of
the thoughts of the heart in one’s spiritual life. He made clear to me
the real nature of the Holy Spirit’s ministry in and to the believer,
and of spiritual growth and progress, and of faith’s victory. He
showed me how to understand myself as a Christian and live before God
humbly and honestly, without pretending either to be what I am not or
not to be what I am.”
Owen is able to feed us because of his vast learning, which enabled
to trace opinions to their true source. The ignorant are often dazzled
by sensational discoveries which to the learned are nothing but old
errors rehashed and re-presented in a different garb. Owen is matchless
in his ability to expose error, convict the gain-sayers and explode
their vain arguments.
The Prince of the Puritans, as Owen has been called, was gifted to
bring the various doctrines of the Faith, even the most difficult, to
bear upon our nature. He knows how to address the mind, the will and the
affections in the light of the Christian faith. He supplies both motive
and consolation from the truth of the gospel. In his polemical works his
aim is to dispel intellectual darkness; in his devotional works
his purpose is to bring the truth into contact with the corruption and
deceitfulness of the human heart, thus clearing away moral darkness.
In one way or another he deals holistically with man and shows what an
all-sufficient Saviour is Christ Jesus our Lord.
An all-encompassing doctrine
The devout Calvinism of Owen’s cast of thought shows through in his
works. With Luther, for instance, the initial need is man in need of
being “in the right” with God; with Baxter, Owen’s contemporary,
it is man in need of restoration: their system is anthropological. But
with Owen the all-pervasive thought is the majesty and supremacy of God
in all his dealings with fallen man. Owen presents God to our
contemplation, who in eternity past devised a scheme of salvation
through the Appointed Mediator, which He unfolded in the prophetic
Scriptures, in making arrangements and provisions from age to age of the
world. The glorious results were to continue to be enjoyed when God
shall be all in all. Such a grand manifestation lent comprehensiveness
and a sense of the sublime to Owen’s whole theology, such as it most
uplifting for the reader.
“John Owen is associated almost wholly with Puritan theology.
Dowered with an aptitude for exact system, he mapped out the Calvinistic
inheritance with distinct and unwavering lines. Never have covenants and
decrees had a more stalwart defender against all Arminian heresy. But
stern and uncompromising as was his creed, his temper is said to have
been equable and gentle.”
Further studies
While engaged in public and church life, Dr. Owen still continued to
publish such dissertations as answered to the needs of the hour, which
remain, however, monumental works for the benefit of the catholic
church. His abstruse Latin volume entitled Diatriba de Divina
Justitia deals with the question whether God could forgive sin
without Christ’s atonement.
Socinians were of the opinion that salvation could be attained by man’s
efforts without the sacrifice of Calvary. Sad to say, even some high
Calvinists -- Dr. Twisse and Samuel Rutherford among others -- were
wavering on this question. Grieved in his heart, Owen was not reluctant
to not only discuss but also write “on the vindicatory justice of God,
and the necessity of its exercise on the supposition of the existence of
sin.” Forgiveness without atonement, based wholly on God’s sovereign
will, to the disregard of His justice and righteousness, fed poison to
the gospel. Owen was convinced that his principle “struck its roots
deep through almost the whole of theology.”
The following year, 1654, Owen gave us the fruit of his studies on a
cardinal evangelical truth. The full title is as impressive as the
contents: “The Doctrine of the Saints’ Perseverance Explained and
Confirmed; or, the certain permanency of their acceptation with God
and sanctification from God manifested and proved, from the eternal
principles, the effectual causes, and the external means thereof, in the
immutability of the nature, decrees, covenant, and promises of God; the
oblation and intercession of Jesus Christ; the promises, exhortations
and threats of the Gospel; improved in its genuine tendency to obedience
and consolation.”
The treatise is a reply to the Arminian author John Goodwin, who was
indeed exceptional as a controversialist but convicted by Owen’s work
as destitute of a good cause. Adhering strictly to the wisdom of
Scripture, without having recourse to philosophical disputations, Owen
once again won the battlefield. Earlier, in referring to Scripture he
addressed his audience as follows: “It is oftentimes more effectual in
its own liberty, than when strained to our methods of arguing; and the
weapons of it keener in their own soft breathings, than when sharpened
in the forge of Aristotle.”
Among other commotions, Biddle’s catechisms, giving vogue to the
grave errors of Socinianism, drew the attention of the Council of State.
It gave orders to Dr. Owen to defend the Faith; impelled by a sense of
duty the scholar forged the weapons in a work of seven hundred quarto
pages -- the Vindiciae Evangelicae (1655). In it he contrasts the
major points of controversy between the Socinian and the Calvinist and
shows how and why the latter is Scriptural. He includes in his
examination the Racovian Catechism, the best-known publication of
the Socinians on the Continent, once more indulging his appetite for
comprehensiveness in anything he touches upon.
He takes notice of the Socinians’ objection to the use of terms not
found in Scripture, such as “Trinity.” His reply is confounding: “Though
such terms may not be of absolute necessity to express the things
themselves to the minds of believers, they may yet be necessary to
defend the truth from the opposition and craft of seducers.”
The cure of souls
On the Mortification of Sin in Believers, published the year
following, is a book of a different nature. Owen always emphasized that
the doctrine the church contends for must be her daily food and
meditation. In this is her safety, for the battle is not merely
intellectual. Our own steadfastness, Owen shows us, lies in our secret
communion with God, taking delight in the truth He is pleased to
illuminate our hearts with. The Gospel is a life power, and as such, “his
divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and
godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and
virtue.” Owen leads us by the hand to teach us what is practically
involved in our struggle against indwelling sin. Actually the book is
the substance of a series of sermons he had previously preached on
Romans 8:13: “If ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the
body, ye shall live.” It is nothing else but a great illustration of
the gospel method of sanctification, a theme in which the Puritans
showed their true colours. Dr. Owen is the experienced physician,
applying the medicine to the healing of the soul. In so doing, he gives
an indelible impression that he himself is maintaining secret
intercourse with the eternal and thrice-holy God.
He dispels false notions about mortification: “To mortify sin is
not utterly to kill it, root it out and destroy it, that it should have
no more hold at all, nor residence in our hearts. It is true this is
that which is aimed at, but this is not in this life to be
accomplished....I think I need not say, it is not the dissimulation of a
sin....The mortification of sin consists not in the improvement of a
quiet, sedate nature....A sin is not mortified which it is only
diverted....Occasional conquests of sin do not amount to mortifying
it....These and many other ways there are whereby poor souls deceive
themselves, and suppose they have mortified their lusts, when they live
and are mighty, and on every occasion break forth to their disturbance
and disquietness.”
Turning to a positive note Owen tells us what is involved in the
mortification of sin: it is “an habitual weakening of it.” It
consists “in constant fighting and contending against
sin....Mortification consists in success: frequent success
against any lust is another part and evidence of mortification.”
Owen proceeds by giving his reader “General rules and principles,
without which no sin will ever be mortified....First: Unless a man be a
believer, that is, one that is truly ingrafted into Christ, he can never
mortify any one sin.” The second principle which I shall propose to
this purpose is this: Without sincerity and diligence in the
universality of obedience, there is no mortification of any one
perplexing lust to be obtained.” Furthermore: “Get a clear and
abiding sense upon thy mind and conscience, first, of the guilt,
secondly, of the danger, thirdly, of the evil, of that sin wherewith
thou art perplexed.”And so he proceeds, giving sound biblical
directions, answering queries, objections and excuses in the Pauline
manner. Owen is on the opposite extreme of those prophets against whom
the Lord complains: “They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of
my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.”
Similar in scope is his work on Temptation, masterly in its
treatment and most beneficial for the Christian reader. Once again Owen
proves himself to be a theologian/pastor par excellence. As is required
of God’s stewards he “brings the doctrines of theology to bear on
the wants and principles of our moral nature.” The reader is left with
the impression that the medicine afforded is just for him, appropriate
and timely.
In 1668 there appeared another treatise on Christian experience: On
the Nature, Power, Deceit, and Prevalence of Indwelling Sin in Believers.
The title promises much; the contents do not disappoint. “There is no
treatise of its learned and pious author more fitted to be useful to the
Christian disciple; and that it is most important to be instructed on
this subject by one who had reached such lofty attainments in holiness,
and whose profound and experimental acquaintance with the spiritual life
so well fitted him for expounding its nature and operations.” In
tackling such a course, “Prepare for the knife.”
Owen experienced the Gospel’s power and as such was well qualified
to teach others. “A man preacheth that sermon only well unto others
which preacheth itself in his own soul.” He approached the subject
with fear and trembling, knowing the solemnity of the matter. “I hold
myself bound in conscience and in honour, not even to imagine that I
have attained a proper knowledge of any one article of truth, much less
to publish it, unless through the Holy Spirit I have had such a taste of
it, in its spiritual sense, that I may be able, from the heart, to say
with the psalmist, ‘I have believed, and therefore have I spoken.’”
A zealous promoter of true spirituality
Owen’s spiritual attainments matched his intellectual gifts -- a
fine balance rarely found. In his funeral sermon, David Clarkson rightly
said of him: “Holiness gave a divine lustre to his other
accomplishments, it stirred in his whole course, and was diffused
throughout his conversation.”
Owen presents the Christian as a man, a fallen man, and a redeemed
man. In his understanding the mature Christian is the man whose
sacrifice to God is “a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O
God, thou wilt not despise;” He takes God’s perspective on our
sanctification seriously: “To this man will I look, even to him that
is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.”
With good reason then, for Owen the healthy disciple is one who
denies himself: “Constant self-abasement, condemnation, and abhorrency,
is another duty that is directly opposed unto the...rule of sin in the
soul. No frame of mind is a better antidote against the poison of
sin...It is the soil wherein all grace will thrive and flourish. A
constant due sense of sin as sin, of our interest therein by nature, and
in the course of our lives, with a continual afflictive remembrance
of...instances of the soul’s best posture.”
The Christian is a partaker of the Covenant and so is redeemed and
regenerated. “They know nothing of the life and power of the gospel,
nothing of the reality of the grace of God, nor do they believe aright
one article of the Christian faith, whose hearts are not sensible of the
love of Christ therein. Nor is he sensible of the love of Christ, whose
affections are not therein drawn out unto him, I say, they make a
pageant of religion...whose hearts are not really affected with the love
of Christ, in the susception and discharge of the word of mediation, so
as to have real and spiritually sensible affections for him.”
Though continually exhorting towards “holiness, without which no
man shall see the Lord,”Owen was no believer in sinless perfection. He
was too much of a realist to fall into such a snare. “Sometimes a soul
thinks or hopes that it may through grace be utterly free from this
troublesome inmate. Upon some secret enjoyment of God, some full supply
of grace, some return from wandering, some deep affliction, some
thorough humiliation, the poor soul begins to hope that it shall now be
freed from the law of sin. But after a while...sin acts again, makes
good its old station.”
Owen devoted a whole treatise to that comprehensive reality of
Christian experience: fellowship with God, which is the heartbeat of all
Puritan theology and religious studies. The work, entitled Of
Communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, each person
distinctly, in love, grace and consolation; or, the Saint’s Fellowship
with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, unfolded, first appeared in
In Owen’s mind this communion consisted in mutual interchange
between the Creator and man, the creature, with the initiative and
sustaining power residing in God. In this sense this koinonia is
a relationship in which the redeemed receive love from the Triune God
and naturally respond in kind. “We love him, because he first loved
us.” As it develops and matures it becomes a sanctified friendship “in
that pattern of communion with Jesus Christ which we have in the
One of his last treatises was the heart-searching The Grace and
Duty of being Spiritually-minded. In its Introductory Essay Owen
writes: “…the world is at present in a mighty hurry, and being in
many places cast off from all foundations of steadfastness, it makes the
minds of men giddy with its revolutions, or disorderly in the
expectations of them….Hence, men walk and talk, as if the world were
al, when comparatively it is nothing.” And furthermore: “…it would
almost appear indispensable that the spiritual life should be nourished
in solitude; and that, afar from the din, and the broil, and the tumult
of ordinary life, the candidate for heaven should give himself up to the
discipline of prayer and of constant watchfulness.”
Owen as Legislator
Owen’s versatility and breath of spirit troubles us today when we
have somehow concluded that a Christian is to be secluded from current
affairs. Cromwell had given notice for a new election after the
dissolution of the Long Parliament in the end of 1653. Oxford University
had the privilege of returning one member to this Parliament. Dr. Owen
was elected. He did not express any unwillingness to accept this new
office; he took his seat in the House and continued to sit until the
committee of privileges declared his election annulled, the reason given
was that he was a religious minister.
His detractors make every attempt here to discredit Dr. Owen, and
even his friends are disinclined to defend his political
conduct...forgetting, or wilfully disregarding the fact that great men
of God, such as Joseph, Daniel and even Moses were intimately involved
in the political life of their society. Since all of the Christian’s
life is holy -- consecrated to the service of God -- there can be no
valid reason for excluding him from statesmanship. Only those who
consider ministerial ordination as a mysterious and indissoluble spell,
and are awed by the Romish fantasy of “Once a priest, always a priest,”
will not consider the possibility that emergencies may arise in when
even a Christian minister may merge the pastor in the legislator. This
he not only may, but is accountable to do, for the sake of accomplishing
the highest amount of good. It is only one other way of being “the
salt of the earth.”
At this time Dr. Owen also formed part of a committee to examine
pastoral applicants, upon the invitation of Cromwell. The commission’s
task was to examine candidates for ordination; later on, its power
included the ejection of ministers and schoolmasters of heretical
doctrines and scandalous life.
Cromwell was full of commendation for the labours of the
commissioners. Before his second Parliament he reports: “There hath
not been such a service in England since the Christian religion was
perfect in England; I dare be bold to say it.” Baxter too gives his
evaluation: “The truth is, though some few over-rigid and over-busy
Independents among them were too severe against all that were Arminians...yet
to give them their due, they did abundance of good in the church. They
saved many a congregation from ignorant, ungodly, drunken teachers...and
in their stead admitted of any that were able, serious preachers, and
lived a godly life....”
A change of affairs was soon to displace Owen from his ministry at
the university. A Parliament majority proposed to crown Cromwell king,
and when the latter did not express any aversion to the motion, Owen
began to suspect a tumorous growth that might lead to a new tyranny.
Together with Colonel Desborough, Fleetwood, and the majority of the
army, Owen drew up a petition against the movement. It actually defeated
the measure; Cromwell declined the honour.
But by this bold step it soon became evident that Owen was far
estranged from the affection of Cromwell. In 1657 Dr Owen was displaced
from the Vice-Chancellorship of Oxford. The manner in which he resigned
is a fine example of Christian humility; there was no bitterness, but
only a gentlemanly appreciation of Dr Conant, a Presbyterian and rector
of Exeter College, who was nominated to take his place. “I
congratulate myself on a successor who can relieve me of this burden...I
seek again my old labours, my usual watchings, my interrupted studies.
As for you, gentlemen of the university, may you be happy, and fare you
During these hard events Dr. Owen showed how he had learned, in the
school of Christ his Lord, “both how to abound, and how to be abased.”
With the apostle, his mentor, he could confess: “I can do all things
through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
In reviewing his political activities, Andrew Thomson correctly
observes: “We should form a very imperfect estimate of the character
of Dr Owen, and of the beneficient influence which he exerted, did we
not advert to his greatness as a man of affairs. In this respect we need
have no hesitation in asserting his superiority to all the Puritans.
“Attached from principle to that great party whose noble mission it
was to assert and to vindicate the rights of conscience and freedom of
worship, he soon rose to be its chief adviser on all occasions of great
practical exigency.”
The Savoy Confession of Faith
Indeed Dr Owen’s labours were far from being over. His retirement
from the University was a seasonable relief from the excess of public
engagement. But as he sought the welfare of the church, Owen could not
We soon find him in a most important, and as it turned out,
historical transaction. A good number of ministers and delegates -- more
than two hundred -- from the Independent churches met together in answer
to Cromwell’s summons. The purpose was to draw up a Confession of
Faith since the Independents had flourished during the Protectorate.
The result was what is today known as the Savoy Confession of
Faith, which bears a strong resemblance to the somewhat earlier Westminster
Confession, owned by the Presbyterians. The only significant
difference is its statements on church order. Owen was entrusted with
the writing of the Preface, in which his magnanimous heart and Christian
vision shines forth. “The differences,” he says, “between
Presbyterians and Independents are differences between fellow-servants.”
And furthermore: “Churches consisting of persons sound in the faith
and of good conversation, ought not to refuse communion with each other,
though they walk not in all things according to the same rule of church
Increased literary output
Cromwell’s death brought tremendous changes in England, leaving no
stalwart successor such as he was. The subsequent Restoration meant for
Owen and his fellow-Puritans a retirement from public affairs and the
beginning of persecution, which eventually led to the Great Ejection of
1662. The Act of Uniformity silenced the vast majority of the
nation’s evangelical preachers: 2000 of them were ejected from the
national church on the 24th of August, referred to by the lovers of
truth as “Black Bartholomew’s Day.”
It was because of these changes that Owen’s literary output
increased. What he was restricted to do in his lifetime he left to all
posterity in his printed works. Thus it came about that he
unquestionably influenced later Protestant Nonconformity, not only in
unashamedly upholding distinctively Calvinistic doctrines but also in
important matters as church order and worship.
A Brief Instruction in the Worship of God and Discipline in the
Church of the New Testament, by way of question and answer is one
such piece of literature, which also led to proposals for union between
the Independents and Presbyterians (though the negotiations eventually
came to nothing substantial).
More admirable is his Discourse concerning Liturgies and their
Imposition, in which are laid out the lasting differences between
the High Churchman and the Puritan.
Strictly biblical studies were not wanting. In 1668 Owen published
three of his best works. In addition to Indwelling Sin (to which
reference has already been made) Owen bequeathed to the church his fine
Exposition of the 130th Psalm, once again a book replete with heavenly
wisdom from the heart of “one who spake as he knew, and testified what
he had seen.”
His greatest work, though, is probably the Exposition of the
Epistle to the Hebrews, published in four volumes, the last one
posthumously. It is indeed a towering commentary on a pivotal epistle in
the New Testament. Owen opens for us an autobiographical window for all
prospective students of Holy Writ. In the Preface he writes: “But yet
I must now say that, after all my searching and reading, prayer and
assiduous meditation have been my only resort, and by far the most
useful means of light and assistance. By these have my thoughts been
freed from many an entanglement into which the writings of others had
cast me or from which they could not deliver me. Careful I had been, as
of my life and soul, to bring no prejudicate sense to the words, to
impose no meaning of my own or other men’s upon them, nor to be
imposed on by the reasonings, pretences or curiosities of any; but
always went nakedly to the Word itself, to learn humbly the mind of God
in it, and to express it as he should enable me.”
Owen considered it his magnum opus; upon finishing it, he
cried out: “Now, my work is done; it is time for me to die.” Dr
Chalmers speaks highly of it: “It is a work of gigantic strength as
well as gigantic size; and he who hath mastered it is very little short,
both in respect to the doctrinal and the practical of Christianity, of
being an erudite and accomplished theologian.”
Defensor Fidei
A much more dangerous threat than internal disagreements within
Protestantism was the constant and persistent attempts of Romanists to
win Protestants to their counterfeit religion. One of these Romanist
apologists in Owen’s day was a Franciscan friar by the name of John
Vincent Cane, who had published a book entitled Fiat Lux. Under
the guise of love he invites outsiders to join the Roman church. Within
her fold lay the secret of maintaining the catholic faith without
division and dissention.
Owen was disturbed by the pernicious nature of the work. In setting
himself the task of exposing its false premises he produced his Animadversions
on Fiat Lux, by a Protestant. The sophistries and cunning purposes
of the friar were all exposed and answered biblically.
Other works of a similar nature yet followed, such as The Church
of Rome no Safe Guide, and An Account of the Protestant Religion.
Conclusion of a brilliant career
The excitement of a most eventful life made itself evident on Owen’s
physique. It was becoming all the more obvious that his gospel ministry
was drawing to a close. Severe and persistent study, with its wearing
effects, was taking its toll on the man of God. Asthma afflicted him
without relief and eventually rendered him unfit for preaching. In
addition, stone (a frequent and tormenting malady of intellectuals in
those days) gave warning of its presence.
In a letter to his friend Charles Fleetwood, on the day before his
death, Owen writes: “…I am going to him whom my soul has loved, or
rather who has loved me with an everlasting love - which is the whole
ground of my consolation.” His sense of his own worthlessness,
compared with his matchless Master, is given expression in the same
correspondence: “…I am leaving the ship of the church in a storm;
but whilst the great Pilot is in it, the loss of a poor under-rower will
be inconsiderable.”
Thus he was promoted to glory, on the twenty-fourth of August, 1683,
the anniversary of St Bartholomew’s Day, a memorable day in the annals
of the church. His mortal remains, awaiting the Resurrection at the Last
Day, in which he believed, were laid down in Bunhill fields, the Puritan
In considering the conquests of Owen’s life, one of his biographers
affirms that among the Puritans, he is at least “first among equals.”
“But let the question be, Who among all the Puritans was the most
remarkable for his intimate and profound acquaintance with the truths of
revelation? Who could shed the greatest amount of light upon a selected
portion of the Word of God, discovering its hidden riches, unfolding its
connections and harmonies, and bringing the most abstruse doctrines of
revelation to bear upon the conduct and the life? Who was the ‘interpreter,
one amongst a thousand?’ Or let other excellences that we are about to
specify be chosen as the standard, and will not the name of Dr Owen, in
this case, obtain an unhesitating and unanimous suffrage?”
Protestantism is the argument of Christianity. Puritanism is the
feeling of Protestantism. Owen is a fine epitome of both.
The following books have been read or consulted in the preparation of
the essay:
The Holy Bible (Authorized Version).
Owen, John. The Mortification of Sin. Ross-shire, Scotland.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd. 1996.
Owen, John. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ. London.
The Banner of Truth. 1959.
Owen, John. The Holy Spirit: His gifts and power. Michigan,
USA. Kregel Publications. 1977.
Owen, John. The Grace and Duty of Being Spiritually Minded.
Grand Rapids, USA. Baker Book House. 1977.
Owen, John. Apostasy from the Gospel. Edinburgh. The Banner of
Truth Trust. 1992.
Owen, John. The Glory of Christ. Edinburgh. The Banner of
Truth Trust. 1994.
Owen, John. Communion with God. Edinburgh. The Banner of Truth
Trust. 1991.
Thomas, I.D.E. A Puritan Golden Treasury. Edinburgh. The
Banner of Truth Trust. 1977.
Thomson, Andrew. John Owen: the Prince of the Puritans.
Ross-shire. Christian Focus Publications. 1996.
Packer,J.I. Among God’s Giants. Eastbourne. Kingsway
Publications. 1991.
Lewis, Peter. The Genius of Puritanism. Morgan, PA, USA. Soli
Deo Gloria Publications. 1977.
Murray, Iain (compiled by). Sermons of the Great Ejection.
London. The Banner of Truth. 1962.
Gay, David. Battle for the church 1517-1644. Lowestoft, UK.
Brachus. 1997.
Sheldon, Henry, C. History of the Christian Church (5 vols.).
Massachusetts, USA. Hendrickson. 1988.
Several papers published by The Westminster Conference.