The petrine heresy
The term "pope" by which the head of the Roman Catholic
church is known, is derived from the Latin papa, meaning father. But
Jesus forbade his followers to call any man father in a spiritual sense
(Matthew 23:9). In ancient times, several patriarchs were called pope,
but eventually as the claims of Rome rose higher and higher, the bishop
of Rome came to hold this title exclusively to himself. Gregory I was
the first one to be given the title of universal bishop by the wicked
emperor Phocas, in the year 604. This he did to spite the bishop of
Constantinople. Gregory, knowing that this was a novel idea, refused the
title, but his second successor, Boniface III (607) assumed the title,
and it has been the designation of the bishops of Rome ever since.
Again, the term "Pontiff," referring to the pope, means a
bridge builder. It comes from pagan Rome, where the emperor, as the high
priest of the heathen religion, was called "Pontifex Maximus."
The title was lifted from paganism and applied to the head of the Roman
Catholic church. Thus the pope claims to be the mediator between God and
men, in flat contradiction to 1 Timothy 2:5. He claims to be the head,
whereas Christ is clearly given this position in Colossians 2:9 and
The papal system has been in process of development over a long
period of time, with error encroaching upon error so that the end result
is something diametrically opposite to apostolic Christianity. Romanists
claim an unbroken line of succession from the alleged first pope. But
the list itself is quite doubtful; it was revised several times, with a
number who formerly were listed as popes now listed as anti-popes. The
existence of an unbroken succession from the apostles to the present can
neither be proved nor disproved.
For a period of six centuries after the time of Christ none of the
regional churches attempted to exercise authority over any of the other
churches. The early ecumenical councils were composed of delegates from
the various churches who met as equals.
The first six centuries of the Christian era know nothing of any
spiritual supremacy on the part of the bishops of Rome. Gregory the
First is the one who consolidated the power of the bishopric of Rome and
started that church on a new course.
The papal cause was much aided by forgery and blatant lies which were
exposed during the Renaissance through such critical studies as those of
Valla on the "Donation of Constantine" and the "Isidorian
The pope boasts of exercising the power of the keys. But as early as
the second century, Tertullian writes that "every one who confesses
Christ, as Peter did, has the keys of the kingdom of heaven, as did
Peter" (Scorpiaca).
It is also well-known that in post-Constantine times the Roman empire
was Christianized but the far majority of the people were Christian only
in name. Numberless pagan customs were brought in the church. One of
them was the role of the emperor as patron and high priest of the
religious system.
With the downfall of Rome and the removal of the seat of the emperor
from Rome to Constantinople, the way was paved for the Antichrist to be
raised up and assume his blasphemous role, thus fulfilling 2
Thessalonians 2, eventually coming to the position where the pope was
called God on earth. For instance, Leo X was addressed thus by John
Capito Aretinus (1513-21): "If to serve God is truly to reign, you
are reigning if you serve Leo, for Leo is God on earth."
Eminent scholars, such as A.Hislop, have also traced the pagan
origins of the papacy. We read about a Peter Roma, the interpreter of
the pagan mysteries (cf. papal infallibility), we read about the keys of
Cybele and Janus, the power of which is now vested in the Bishop of
The Sancta Sede has nothing to do with the New Testament; actually it
is traced back to paganism. When seated on this chair, the pope is now
said to be infallible in the doctrines and decrees he makes, exactly the
same fables that were popular in paganism. The popes of Rome are in fact
direct successors of the ancient pontiffs of the Babylonian religion
having a very thin disguise of Christianity.
The true origins of the papacy, therefore, however shocking it might
be to many, is from crass paganism.