The missing jewel
I consent with A.W.Tozer’s statement that worship is "the
missing jewel of the evangelical churches." Such an evaluation
concerning worship is not simply negative; it seeks repentance and
reformation in the ways where we have gone astray.
On the whole, and judging from my reading and my experience both
abroad but especially locally, Christians are not even aware that the
Father is seeking such who worship him in Spirit and truth. They are not
taught that worship is the "ultimate priority," as pastor
J.MacArthur, Jr. called it. And it certainly is.
Worship is expressed by such terms as latrueô and proskuneô.
The former signifies to serve, to render religious service or homage.
The latter means to make obeisance, do reverence, (pros, towards,
kuneô, to kiss). In worshipping man takes his proper place, with
his face to the ground and God is acknowledged for who he is: the
Creator, Preserver and Sovereign Redeemer of his elect. When God is
confessed in this way, our whole life, attitude, world-view, and
perspective on all things will be radically affected.
Perhaps the Lord has hid his face from us and has caused us to
stumble; we are groping in darkness, multiplying activities and running
here and there, assuming we are serving God. But God wants the sacrifice
of ourselves before he wants what we have. The All-sufficient One does
not need us: "If I were hungry I would not tell you" (Ps.)
Perhaps we think we're doing God a favour in attending worship services;
and we do not realize that in worshipping God we come to know both him
and ourselves better.
The evangelical church today suffers in this way, I think, because it
is much engulfed in the spirit of the age. Being men of little faith, we
do not "see" the invisible God. Thus it is only
"sometimes" that God surprises us with his presence, as Cowper
expressed it in verse.
We certainly need reformation in the church, before expecting
revival. We have departed from the pattern shown unto us, as those who
worship God in the Spirit and put no confidence in the flesh. We need to
trace our steps back to the "old paths."