Lack of respect in today’s church
The modern church has largely turned away from the biblical pattern
of pastoral respect and authority.
The Israel of God is always severely tempted to "spoil the
Egyptians" in an unlawful manner. Ever since the early Apologists,
right through the Scholastic era, and up to this day, the church has
largely departed from her governmental pattern shown to her in the
Even during the Reformation, for all its conquests and attainments,
the area of church government was not tackled as radically as one would
wish. By this I mean that either the pastor was looked up to beyond
scriptural warrant, or else he was merely a figure-head, with a name to
lead but in actual fact the leadership was in somebody else's hands.
Especially in independent churches, the type I grew up in, the pastor
was expected to preach, keeping a safe distance from the congregation.
His preaching was generally welcome. But when it came to private
counseling, his (biblical) admonition was hardly appreciated. The
wayward Christian looks askance at him as if to protest, "What
right have you to intrude into my private affairs?"
The biblical pattern for the elder (pastor) is of a morally upright
man, labouring among the people, and yet having oversight over them in
the Lord. But I find from experience that though he is dedicated to his
ministry, oftentimes the congregation accords him lip-honour, calling
him "Pastor, Pastor," but is hardly willing to follow his
doctrine (even the doctrines of grace) and his example.
It follows that the church in general is anemic: everybody wants to
do what is right in his own eyes. The lessons of history are brushed
aside as unimportant. Pragmatism is the order of the day: we will accept
to do this and that if it works, if it renders certain results.
The democratic ideal, taken from the Greeks, and so popular in our
politics (assumed to be necessarily the best form of government) is
borrowed and imported into the church. The people expect to have their
individual vote. I do not see this in Scripture. Decision-making is not
in the hands of the people, but the people are brought up to think that
they manage their own affairs, and are never confronted with the
biblical ideal. Christ gives gifts to men (pastors to lead), but these
gifts are unappreciated.
In saying all this I do not mean that the eldership is to be
tyrannical and unheeding to the cry of the congregation; what I mean is
that the eldership should emulate to get their order from Christ
(through the Scriptures) and not to be dictated to by the congregation.
But this is hardly to be seen today with any consistency.