How do you treat others?
"Jesus did not bathe His disciples' feet with scalding
water." (Roderick Mackenzie). The significance of this observation
in connection with our treatment of other Christians is worth grasping.
Throughout his earthly ministry Jesus dealt with sinners, and
welcomed repentant sinners unto himself, giving them spiritual rest and
cleansing. Though, or perhaps because of the fact that we continue to
get dirty, Christ ministers to his own by applying to them the cleansing
word (Ephesians 5) to sanctify them and present them to himself a
glorious church.
Now the methodology adopted to achieve this is one of grace: he
understands our frame, he knows that we are but dust and ashes. His
approach to us must necessarily be gentle and benign, otherwise we would
be overwhelmed and come to nothing. "Correct me, O Lord, but not in
wrath." Thus Christ brings us to perfection not by unnecessary
suffering but by treating us according to his tender mercies.
Since the gospel that brings salvation teaches us to renounce
irreligious and worldly passions and to live soberly, we too must treat
our fellow-believers the way Christ dealt with us. He forgave; we are
therefore bound to forgive. He cleanses us daily; we too are to relate
to one another, not for the purpose of hurting each other's sentiments
but rather to bring and administer God's healing to each other by gentle
admonition, by brotherly rebuke, always in love and with sensitiveness
and compassion.
Not to leave a scalding on each other's soul, but to minister grace
to our hearers and fellow-brethren.