Our great high priest
Christ's high-priestly works of sacrifice and intercession satisfy
God's justice for sin.
God's justice demands a penalty for every breach of his Law; this
must be so for God cannot look upon sin with favour. His Being and his
moral government of the created order insist upon the penalty; and the
penalty is death. "Without the shedding of blood there is no
remission." Since it was impossible for man to redeem himself, God
in his grace intervened to emancipate him from condemnation and death by
ordaining His own Son as high-priest, i.e., to represent the people
(sinful as they are) before him. Christ accomplished this by taking upon
himself the penalty, as a substitute. This he did voluntarily, so there
was no injustice involved.
Now that Christ is at the Father's right hand, exalted in heaven, he
is ever living to make intercession for his redeemed. His very presence,
as the Lamb that was slain, but now lives for ever and ever, guarantees
that no accusation might be brought forward against the elect. For the
penalty was paid once for all, and is efficacious. He is therefore both
faithful and just to forgive: faithful because of his promise, and just
because forgiveness is merited for His own because of Calvary.
Christ's high-priestly works of sacrifice and intercession bring His
people back to God.
The sacrifice of Christ is definitely reconciliatory: whereas before
we were enemies of God though wicked works, now Christ has wrought an
atonement. As Mediator (for this is what a priest basically is) he
brings man back to God.
And this friendship with God is brought to pass in the believer's
experience as Christ continues his ministry of intercession, applying
the merits of his work by the heaven-sent Holy Spirit, who performs the
new birth in sinners' hearts and subsequently sanctifies them and
changes them all the more into the image of Christ.